Collecting tips needed


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They had bulldozered a piece of forest in my neighbourhood (to construct some sort of stone flat surface for iron air-polluting objects to roll over, i think it's called a road of some sort) and missed a few tree's. So i collected some (6). Some of them don't have much roots, i was wondering if i can/must chop them to get them in balance again?

An impossibly vague question...any idea what species you collected, any photos? Are things leafed out?
Or would you like 25 different guesses for replies?
I also accept educated guesses (i will try to get foiliage pictures if possible).
One of them is a birch (which is ok i think, lot's of roots, no leaves but i see buds and i didnt chop him).

And the rest are random unidentified tree's which i want to try to safe, they had no leaves but some had new buds and they all seem to (still) be alive. Any tips are welcome, if needed i can mist them everyday (if it helps), but i think the best thing to do is to balance the top with the roots (isn't that the same for every tree?) I also allready have them in the shade (not in full sun). Some of them i needed to chop for transportation, and some i have chopped abit because i thought it was neeed for balance. So my question is, can i chop them more or just wait?
Pics Pics!

I'd wait, but again, it is important to know a bit more!

Pics. Pics!

Again Cypress, you have got to provide pics of your trees to get any kind of worthy advice. It is one thing to at LEAST give us the species, like your JM post, but asking any style or care questions without pics or even indication of species? That is just not going to get you anywhere...
Or... I could give you the response to a collection thread you normally get based off the info you provided-

So, you grabbed up some trees?

Had NO permission to take them, took them off of property that was not owned by you, no idea what kinds of trees they are, they had already been run over and ripped from the ground by a bulldozer, and you got almost no roots at collection? You just possibly committed a crime, collected endangered species AND got a bunch of trees that are probably dead anyway! ;)

I think that is how the last one of these threads went... Something like that anyway!
Or... I could give you the response to a collection thread you normally get based off the info you provided-

So, you grabbed up some trees?

Had NO permission to take them, took them off of property that was not owned by you, no idea what kinds of trees they are, they had already been run over and ripped from the ground by a bulldozer, and you got almost no roots at collection? You just possibly committed a crime, collected endangered species AND got a bunch of trees that are probably dead anyway! ;)

I think that is how the last one of these threads went... Something like that anyway!

Don't I know it, and I was in the right! Lol
Cypress, I hope you know I am just playing around! It can be hard to know what info you need to give to get the answers you really need sometimes! I do wish you well with all your trees and if you can get us some pics, you can get some very valuable advice here sometimes.
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