crab apple
I have these two oak trees I dug and if I hurry up I can get a few more before the bull dozer shows up. These two are live oaks but there are also some Laurel Oaks I can get. there is a lot of good info on here about collecting oaks but one thing I'm still unsure of is if I should cut off some of the top so there isn't so lopsided, the roots really are terrible but I still want to try, if the roots survive and start greening things up this spring is there going to be too much vegetation to handle. The tree on the left dropped its leaves after 3 or 4 weeks after being harvested, the tree on the right is beginning to have its leaves die off as well but it happened sooner, like maybe two weeks. There pretty tall, 6 feet for one and 8 feet for the other one. The other trees that I can get are tall too. It seems like commercial tree movers always lop the top, Maybe I should too.