Collected Buttonwood - First Styling

I know these like more water. Do you use organics in your soil composition? I'd be interested to hear what it's on. Lovely composition.

I don't use organics at all. I use vermiculite for water retention, and I water a lot haha.
So standard APL with some vermiculite? Or lava and pumice with Vermiculite?
That's understandable. I don't get involved in soil wars, but I do understand locations, environments, and availability play a role in component selection. Thank you for sharing!
Amazing tree… the rotation has thrown me, though. Is this picture from November the new front? I rather liked the movement that was much more apparent in the photo from this summer. Either way… just a tiny bit of jealously here! Good work!
Amazing tree… the rotation has thrown me, though. Is this picture from November the new front? I rather liked the movement that was much more apparent in the photo from this summer. Either way… just a tiny bit of jealously here! Good work!
Yeah I was looking at it and thinking the same, luckily it's in a round pot 😜
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