I collected this boxwood about a month ago. It had two leaves on it, and I was certain it wouldn't survive. This proves how strong these little trees really are!
Glad to see it made it! I've got about 15 or so and they are tough little bastards. Yours looks to be a good size with some good jin and shari areas to work with. Good luck and keep the updates coming.
Glad it worked for you. Boxwood back budding only happens to mine when there are latent buds there to begin with.
I have collected BW that have only couple of leaves at the ends that grow like weeds shortly after. I recently learned that they can be veneer grafted easily so I am doing that on lots of mine now...no need waiting to chase branches back now.
BTW, BW also seem to hold on to stub chopped branches for a long time. I have several veneer and cleft graft going on year old stubs and looks like they will take!