Collected bougainvillea - separate or keep it together?


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Oceanside California
I collected this from someone’s yard last year. It has a very long trunk and a short twisted trunk. I could split this at the base make a ‘shohin’ and a ‘literati’-isque separate trees or just keep it as such. Suggestions?36C70A60-0435-4367-A049-68825EA1CBA7.jpegF3644435-A8B5-4EA6-A017-9F789949E812.jpeg44B2A9E0-E125-4F0B-8AB6-6A79655991D1.jpeg
It seems the all have this equal element of trunk and one good flowering branch.

I would strip them all to that and make it a political statement piece.

Leave the mother and child with no Flowers, and the father full of them.

"No matter how much you Believe in the 'Patriarchy', we are still rooted in the Mother and Child. Without you we are nothing."

Happy Mother's Day!

Oooh, nice color. That might be an 'Imperial Thai Delight' if the flowers darken as they age. I agree that the long branch feels out of place. I don't know enough about bougies to say whether they can handle being chopped in half like that. Possibly. Your other option might be to make that cut, but do it 3 inches higher so you have a triple trunk. Do bougies air layer I wonder? That might warrant some research.
07/30/21 update: repotted a week ago and it’s doing well. I actually like the two trunk style now. With repotting, it looks like it could work well as a semi-cascade. May be.


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It's most common that the original nursery puts 2, or looks like 3 individuals in a pot to make a better looking item for sale. They would have probably grafted together, but still have some roots going in separate directions. Wash the roots clean with a hose and see if there is any wiggle. Or you might be able to see where you can saw straight through and have roots on both or all three individuals.
Digging the bract's coloring, really pleasant. Might not look too bad after some time to build good vigor.......

....because that looong, straight section extending out means there probably won't be any ribbons in it's future, but will look awesome on your bench!!!!!

Some reduction on the whole would go a long way in tightening up the image. Hence the vigor comment. Responsive to hard cutbacks, but larger wood might get a bit of die-back. Sealing cuts helps.

Smaller trunk's foliage and flowers might need to come forwards and grow a similar line orientation as that long, straight section. Really no unified image with growth going this-way-and that way....

Must be able to leave it out year round? Grow a beast then, son!!😲:cool:

Nothing wrong with getting as many eyes on a project as possible. Good luck!

Not that the world needs more semi-cascades.....🤕;)😆😆😆😆😆😆
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