Got this tree from Bob at the Lake Merritt (Oakland, CA) sale in February. It was an unusual piece given its angle, and the location of all the new growth. Pictures below are from the day they were purchased :
I changed the angle to be more extreme than how it was initially planted, and let it grow out during the year, pinching relatively often.
Here is a picture from July :
I finally started wiring out some branches to see how it would look as a semi-cascade :
Bought a cascade training pot that i will put it in in spring (full akadama) :
Couple of things :
- Still not convinced this is a good idea, or that it looks good. Interested what people think, and if they have any suggestions on design
- The deadwood front and center will obviously need to be carved, but I have 0 experience and tools to carry that out. Hoping someone in my club will help in that regard.
Looking forward to people's thoughts/comments/criticisms!
I changed the angle to be more extreme than how it was initially planted, and let it grow out during the year, pinching relatively often.
Here is a picture from July :
I finally started wiring out some branches to see how it would look as a semi-cascade :
Bought a cascade training pot that i will put it in in spring (full akadama) :
Couple of things :
- Still not convinced this is a good idea, or that it looks good. Interested what people think, and if they have any suggestions on design
- The deadwood front and center will obviously need to be carved, but I have 0 experience and tools to carry that out. Hoping someone in my club will help in that regard.
Looking forward to people's thoughts/comments/criticisms!