The only one I have is an orientalis from Brent. I moved it from nursery soil to bonsai Jack organic mix when I received it. Last spring I repotted into an inorganic mix, but I waited till the buds started opening. Ryan suggests that for some species to ensure that the resources are already well on their way before cutting off roots. I know not the same as collecting, but worth considering. I have a few live oaks that I plan on collecting behind my property, but I plan on chopping them while in the ground, and collecting next spring. That way the tree can push a nice flush close to the base so I don't have a stick on a pot hoping for it to push buds.
Also, I took a few cuttings of the liquidambar, they all pushed leaves profusely, then died... I think they save a lot of energy in their trunk, but rely on the roots to survive. When I checked, it barely callous and there was no root at all.