Under that crazy southern sun I was sweating like a pig collecting that clump.Nice clump I hate you southern guys you just go out back the roots way back chop the top off stick it in a pot give it that crazy southern sun and away it goeslove that rock covered table seen a pic of your garden think that’s way cool
Correction. I sweat like a horse. Pigs don't sweat much at all. However, I dug like a wild pig for sure.Under that crazy southern sun I was sweating like a pig collecting that clump.
Under patio with just 3 hours of morning sun for a week. After that out to full sun. Soil mix is moisture retentive for sure. Watered twice a day. I'm testing bonsai mix later today!! Stay tune to the species study thread.What’s your after care regime . Your collecting late in the season do you put them in the shade mist them . Or just full sun sink or swim
If you water twice a day with your retentive mix you better be standing by with a hose in your hand all day with free draining mixUnder patio with just 3 hours of morning sun for a week. After that out to full sun. Soil mix is moisture retentive for sure. Watered twice a day. I'm testing bonsai mix later today!! Stay tune to the species study thread.