Chojubai development


The Treedeemer
Reaction score
Northern Germany
Last week at an online auction a chojubai passed by. And to be honest, this was the first in a long time I saw for sale. So I made a bid, fully expecting not to win. A few days later after the auction ended I was not overbid, but the reserve was not met. So the seller asked me whether I wanted to pay the reserve price.

I was not sure, but I thought these are fairly rare and certainly not cheap so I decided to bite the bullet.
Next week during the trophy we will have the whole handing over ceremony. In this thread I will follow the development, and share my anxious questions.

That’s a decently old chojubai, nice!
That is what I thought. For 150 I thought there is no big risk getting it.
Need to get it in 3D before making a definnite plan, but initial cleanup/wiring thoughts below. IF flexible enough, the thick roght-handed trunki-branch might be moved to better work with the upright trnk.

Look forward to seeing what you can do with it.
I have a few approaching similar stage of development. Still trying to work out what to do with some of them.
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