Chinese elm


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Hey guys, im new to bonsai. Ive done a decent amount of research, and bought a couple of them to get started. This question pertains to a chinese elm i purchased yesterday. When i got home, i saw little white dots moving around on it. I figure, spider mites. I did some research and went out and bought some neem oil. I sprayed the whole tree. Today, i see no spots moving around. I left it out side on the back porch against the wall, behind a chair. Its mostly shade there, with some sun as the sun is going down. I just went outside and some of the leaves are browning around the edges, new and old ones. Is this sunburn? The plant has been watered adequatley, and not overwatered. I think. Hah.
There are some spots as well it looks like.


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The sun (the little that the tree got) could have cooked the leaves while they were coated in the oil. Another possible problem could be that it was too warm. You have to be careful when using oils in the summer, they recommend you not use them when it's over 90F or something around there.

I don't think the plant you have is a Chinese Elm, however...
Welcome to Crazy!

Just blast it with water and save the oil for something worse.

Hmmm. What is it? The label is still in the pot.
Hello there, I`m new here. I have been into Bonsai since 1972. I`ve learn many things mostly by my mistakes. On the subject of Chinese elms, I do have one, but have lost many. I don't think it is the best pick for beginners, because it is really neither an inside tree or an outside. It will grow well on a bright window sill, but there is always the danger that it wont go into dormancy and not drop its leaves, deadly for the tree. You can keep it outside , but then it will need protection against frost. The last is what I do.
With bugs and mould etc, I have tried all kinds , but rely entirely on Rose Clear these days. Recently I had a large Pepper tree encrusted with black fly eggs. I tried all sorts with no luck at all. Then I blasted it with Rose Clear, 3 days in a row. On the forth day there was not one egg left. And the tree is fine. It is so useful and deals with all sorts of problems : I just titrate the concentration, starting 1/2 strength. You probably don't wish to chance the Rose Clear, but keep it in mind ; remember you can water it down.
Regards Mitty.
Maybe a bird plum? Im not good at identifying different trees yet...


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Full tree


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Hmmm. What is it? The label is still in the pot.
Whatever it is it isn't elm. The leaves are too round.
Elm leaves are pointer and thicker.
And the bark on elm is different.
And a question:
Where are you located?
This is an elm. Notice the leaves.
It isn't Chinese elm but the leaves are the same shape. This one is American elm.
2015-08-01 15.28.44.jpg
Morning Mike!

Got out to the Fox tween baseball games and effing missed another little jumper, and snapped off another, reckon a walleye, that's 0-4 now last 2 outings...
I'm getting good hooks left, shit baits, time to go to the store....and I still don't have a license....aha moment!
Bad luck with no license!

Welcome to Crazy!
Would love to see some of your trees!

....and I still don't have a license
Better get one. If you get caught here they take your tackle and fine you and don't let you fish for 3 years. Probably something just as sinister happens where you live.
Maybe it's the line. Mono starts detioriating as soon as it hits sun. Maybe it's shot. Big hooks and stout line keep the fish on for me.
Matter of fact. I'm going out now fishing. Boats down but I'm going to fish from shore. It's rough.
Yeah...I was in a lone pier in a crap area...
So I was happy to hook up at all!

Line is good...
It's mostly having to fish with a separate hook and weight that's killing me.
Usually I rock a MR. twister keeper, or a weighted Gamakatsu (Japanese, keeping it relevant!;))
So setting hook has blowed, as I'm just not used to it. They ain't been hittin hard either!

Oh...and I've never gotten more than a warning....but that is always within the first month of the season.
Only time we got a ticket was for.....

And only in Dupage one else is ever out.....EVER!
Kinda why we call it...unpure Illinois...and our fishing is kinda crap!

Peg the weight to the hook with a toothpick. You're talking Texas rig right? You need to become a line watcher. You might not feel the fish grab the bait. Also bites can be subtle. They like to grab it on the fall. If it feels different set the hook. Slack line hookset. Drop the rid tip and then jack them as hard as you can. I'm what some people call large and I step into it. I actually dip the rod tip to the water and put my weight into it. Watch a bassmasters tournament. Those guys hit them hard too.
One other thing. If you're starting using soft plastic baits get some Senko type baits. They are the closest thing to a magic bait there is. Fish it weightless. Texas rig weed less or wacky style.
Like spinnerbaits,I keep one on the deck ready to go at all times.
We should move our discussion on baits to Fish Stories.
Yeh I've got a Chinese elm, that's far from it.

I give up... I just spent a time that I'm not going to admit, trying to identify this tree and I can't.. Closest I got was either a type of Elm due to the toothed broad leaves or a shadbush serviceberries, but neither look quite the same.
Please if someone finds out what this is.. Tell me lol. I cannot believe how long I just spent trying to find out!

In the mean time, the spots on the leaves might be the burn like you and others say, or maybe water related. Just make sure it's draining well when watered and is watered frequently enough? Soil looks like some kinda of akadama, pumice so should drain well I'd imagine, as long as the drain holes are all corrected fitted, not blocked up etc.
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