Chinese Elm Twin Trunk Progression

Sometime in 2017 it blew off my bench and damaged the taller trunk. So I hacked it off and started growing a new one that sprouted from the cut.

In 2018 I wanted to create a penjing with this tree and a few smaller hokkaido elms. I removed the 2nd trunk and planted it all on a piece of slate.

I liked that well enough, but moving it around was a bitch and I eventually dismantled it and potted the tree solo again in 2019.


Once again, I got a shoot at the base and started a 2nd trunk again.

In 2020 I moved it into a larger pot and worked on strengthening the 2nd trunk. For a while the growth was slow because it was getting shaded out.


I let the 2nd trunk grow wild so that it was actually taller than the main tree.

This is the only pic I took of the tree in 2021

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