Chinese elm not growing properly


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United Kingdom
Hi guys,

I got this Chinese elm about this time last year. Had a really good summer and then brought it indoors for winter, I then wired and pruned it but in hindsight I think I cut back too aggressively and it got stressed with that, the wring and the new environment inside.

I took it back outside when it started getting sunny and I got some minimal growth but its really not happy. I started soaking it in water every few days making sure I did not over water and put into a shaded area. I went out today and decided to scrap back the bark to find green and most of the apex and branches are dead but the whole trunk is green underneath.

Wondering what to do here? Should I cut back all the dead (afraid that most of the tree will go) or should I just leave it and see if it comes back next year?

You can see the break in the branch where I bent the branch a little and it snapped because it was dead.

Any help would be great guys!


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BioGold Vital...I have found to use on stalled trees and it works well. But I got it from Clark Long...and he passed on. So not sure where one can pick it up. But I really like how it works. You see results quickly.
BioGold Vital...I have found to use on stalled trees and it works well. But I got it from Clark Long...and he passed on. So not sure where one can pick it up. But I really like how it works. You see results quickly.
Iv been giving it bio gold for about 3 months now and all I get is a few branches out of the lower, thanks for the suggestion though!
BioGold "VITAL". Sadly Clark passed and I'm having a hard time finding it. I've ones reaching out to their suppliers. If I find it I will share how to get it. It is phenomenal.
It is a mix.
Ohhhh! Yeah if you find any suppliers would be great to know so I can try and bring this back! Thankyou
Chinese elms (when strong) can be completely defoliated a couple times a summer, and will bud out everywhere. Your tree is weak, and it is not due to overpruning. How does the soil look? When is the last time it was repotted?
Repotted just over a year ago, was happy until I brought inside for the winter. I had it repotted by someone who owns a bonsai nursery and he used a mix so I can't remember what was used. Iv bought trees from him also and they are always very healthy so I think it must be me bringing it in during the winter.

How would you protect it from the frost in the winter?
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