@JuniperMasterRace I described that quickly and poorly but it sounds like you got what I was saying. The roots are coming from an area of the tree that is below where the cambium is stripped off. I imagine that the top of your airlayer probably dried, out so the "top" part of the cambium (right below where the foliage starts, a.k.a the bottom of the airlayer once separated) never rooted. You have succesfully cloned the tree, it just happens to be a one inch section haha. I would cut off everything where the first section of bark ends. 99.9% chance the tree trows a leader and survives. If you want to try using the large laeafy upper section as a cutting you can but it seems like some of the bark has died back sicne the layer was attempted. Maybe make a fresh new cut into the top portion. Frankly though, I have to imagine it's pretty weak at this point and might not take