Channeling and Bending

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What did you use to cut the channel. I'm thinking about trying this to bend a very big pine branch. Did you insert wire in the channel? Do you end up leaving the wire in the channel forever? Does the channel heal over eventually? Do you have a pic of the channel you carved out?
This is a thread here on B-Nut where I did this on a San Jose Juniper back in February,!!-wow-lt-WTF-San-Jose-Juniper-advice/page2&highlight=jose the pics are on the second page. I hollowed out the whole center of the branch and filled it with a woven aluminum ground wire to keep it from collapsing when bent and twisted. I will remove the wire when its set and maybe fill some of the hollowed area with wood filler then grind it up some. Victrinia Ensor had a thread with this technique here from about a year ago called No Guts No Glory with pics of the process too.

Not meaning to step on your thread Sawgrass, I did not know if you had pictures of the channeled area or not, I know I try to catalogue with pics and forget half the time to take them when I am working on my stuff. :o

The channeling I have seen is just a small slit. Wide enough to insert wire into. In time the slit could heal over. Your link shows total destruction of the branch to get it bent. I will be interested to hear how sawgrass did it.
That's one hell of a bend. Is that a Parsonii? Do you let the pot dry out a little before you bend? I've heard withholding water (a little) makes the branches more supple.
That's one hell of a bend. Is that a Parsonii? Do you let the pot dry out a little before you bend? I've heard withholding water (a little) makes the branches more supple.

I've heard that from a professional at a workshop.

The very next workshop I attended I asked about that theory and another professional told me that you must water normally and maintain peak health before bending.

"Funny thing, bonsai advice is." - Master Yoda
Good technique and good result...but if that was a branch...I would most probably jin it.
So, far coming up on a month later, tree is doing fine...

I didn't want to remove it until I saw what the verdict was with
The top. The only reason why I just didn't cut it and jin as was
Suggested, was that their would be no taper to the trunk, if I
Made a smaller tree...

Taper is created by cutting back and regrowing a leader.
Taper is created by cutting back and regrowing a leader.

Not a very reliable method with a juniper, they will often shed a branch when its been cut back above and new buds can be iffy at best to get them growing where you want them.

The channeling I have seen is just a small slit. Wide enough to insert wire into. In time the slit could heal over. Your link shows total destruction of the branch to get it bent. I will be interested to hear how sawgrass did it.

Total destruction of the branch ? The branch is alive and well, the hollowed area will be a nice jin. I am sure Victrinia's is doing well too. The branch I bent was over 2 inches across and I doubt it could have been bent that much any other way.

Not a very reliable method with a juniper, they will often shed a branch when its been cut back above and new buds can be iffy at best to get them growing where you want them.

He has lots of branches bellow the future cut...and it is important to cut junipers back for taper...I dont have problems with die back on junipers...if it is done at the right time...some time I chop them just to buds.
I chop back all branches after growing them for taper.


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He has lots of branches bellow the future cut...and it is important to cut junipers back for taper...I dont have problems with die back on junipers...if it is done at the right time...some time I chop them just to buds.
I chop back all branches after growing them for taper.

It depends a lot on the species of Juniper Neli. I have found that Sargentii Juniperus Chinensis back buds well as does Procumbens Nana, and I have heard that Shimpaku do backbud well too. I had a blue rug juniper that did not back bud and died back at times when I would cut it back to get ramification. My San Jose Juniper is about 50-50 chance the whole branch will die or it will back bud. Needle Junipers IMO are the less likely to back bud when cut back.

Always exciting to see what you are up to sir. The tree looks good. Curious...what's the overall size of the tree?...looks like a huge trunk.
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