Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' please help me heal my tree, I'm very new to the hobby and I pruned my tree pretty badly plus I was dealing scales


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Sooo.. I feel terrible for going so hard on my tree because of my lack of pruning knowledge, and I really don't want this tree to die. I was also dealing with spider mites on my other trees but I managed to save them, now this one I cut the leading branch 🙈🔫 also loots of the roots on the top of the soil are exposed and they are looking dead, I bought it in that plastic pot and left the soil how it was. Didn't wanted to repot it due the summer time but I'm afraid that if I don't do something to help my tree survive it won't get to the new bigger pot. Last thing I will mention is that the roots are already out of the water holes and I have no idea what can I do to not stress it even more than it already is😔 I appreciate any help
@Bonsai Nut
Can you move this to the general discussion board please? Might get missed here in the contests board

Please put your location on your profile so we can give you the best advice for your location.

So this tree is in the pot you bought it in? I'm not seeing a lot of roots on the surface but the pot is fairly deep so there should still be plenty of roots.

How often do you water it? The soil looks kind of heavy and might be retaining too much water.

It's hard to tell from the pictures. Are there little white spots all over the needles or is that from spraying for mites?

What did you use for the mites, how often did you spray and how many times did you spray?
@Bonsai Nut
Can you move this to the general discussion board please? Might get missed here in the contests board

Please put your location on your profile so we can give you the best advice for your location.

So this tree is in the pot you bought it in? I'm not seeing a lot of roots on the surface but the pot is fairly deep so there should still be plenty of roots.

How often do you water it? The soil looks kind of heavy and might be retaining too much water.

It's hard to tell from the pictures. Are there little white spots all over the needles or is that from spraying for mites?

What did you use for the mites, how often did you spray and how many times did you spray?
I will post more pictures once I come back from work, so I live I England and I water it whenever the soil feels dry on the top and almost dry inside, for the mites I used soapy water and the colour of needles seem to be blue white green since o bought it and yes it's in the same pot a bought it and I have to admit I did an critical mistake which is cutting the top branch, the leading one I'm going to do 1 more soap treatment in 2 days and put some more ground and akadama on top, should I cut the dry roots or just leave it till fall or spring ?
The soap treatment might kill it, don't do that. Scale is less bad than dried and desiccated foliage, and soap can dissolve the cuticle wax that keeps your plant from drying out.
Leave the roots and only water it when you need to, put something in the soil made out of wood, like a skewer or a chop stick. If the wood is dry, water. If the wood is damp, think about watering. If the wood is wet, don't water.

The key here is to stop treating for whatever, because something did this plant dirty and it's not the mites of the scale - and if you're not sure which of the two bugs it was, you shouldn't be treating anything before you get a proper ID on the bug and whether or not it is even a problem. Spider mites in the UK are a rare occurrence outside of greenhouses.

The pruning wasn't the problem, it's probably a lack of water or something else. Conifers going purple in summer is a sign of water issues and potential root death.
If you can be so kind to answer Paradox's questions, it would help us help you out.
The soap treatment might kill it, don't do that. Scale is less bad than dried and desiccated foliage, and soap can dissolve the cuticle wax that keeps your plant from drying out.
Leave the roots and only water it when you need to, put something in the soil made out of wood, like a skewer or a chop stick. If the wood is dry, water. If the wood is damp, think about watering. If the wood is wet, don't water.

The key here is to stop treating for whatever, because something did this plant dirty and it's not the mites of the scale - and if you're not sure which of the two bugs it was, you shouldn't be treating anything before you get a proper ID on the bug and whether or not it is even a problem. Spider mites in the UK are a rare occurrence outside of greenhouses.

The pruning wasn't the problem, it's probably a lack of water or something else. Conifers going purple in summer is a sign of water issues and potential root death.
If you can be so kind to answer Paradox's questions, it would help us help you out.
Small spiders are often found on my trees, but I cannot find any bug on the trunk or leafs so I'll listen your advice, roots are below the pot tapping slightly the water holes and also they're above the soil so it may be the case of dying roots, should I put it in a little bigger pot with a net and akadama on the bottom and top without pruning the roots or anything that could stress the tree ? It has so beautiful thick roots soo i know they're not all dead
The soap treatment might kill it, don't do that. Scale is less bad than dried and desiccated foliage, and soap can dissolve the cuticle wax that keeps your plant from drying out.
Leave the roots and only water it when you need to, put something in the soil made out of wood, like a skewer or a chop stick. If the wood is dry, water. If the wood is damp, think about watering. If the wood is wet, don't water.

The key here is to stop treating for whatever, because something did this plant dirty and it's not the mites of the scale - and if you're not sure which of the two bugs it was, you shouldn't be treating anything before you get a proper ID on the bug and whether or not it is even a problem. Spider mites in the UK are a rare occurrence outside of greenhouses.

The pruning wasn't the problem, it's probably a lack of water or something else. Conifers going purple in summer is a sign of water issues and potential root death.
If you can be so kind to answer Paradox's questions, it would help us help you out.



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