Callistemon flowering, to be repotted


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Oceanside California
This bottlebrush (callistemon) was obtained from a nursery. It was neglected but somehow managed to root very strongly into the ground. Needed some effort to cut out those roots and pull it off the ground. Perhaps this is the reason it has a pretty decent thick trunk. I performed a couple of trunk chops over winter. It grew out foliage below the chop and now started flowering profusely. After the flower show, I intend to put it in a wood training pot. Hoping this will turn into a nice bonsai. Will update this thread and ask for help when I get to the styling stage. Thank you very much 18604FC9-4662-4426-A7C3-A2BA6C9A646A.jpeg55C203E2-C056-4863-9359-6A5402C2EBC6.jpeg
This bottlebrush (callistemon) was obtained from a nursery. It was neglected but somehow managed to root very strongly into the ground. Needed some effort to cut out those roots and pull it off the ground. Perhaps this is the reason it has a pretty decent thick trunk. I performed a couple of trunk chops over winter. It grew out foliage below the chop and now started flowering profusely. After the flower show, I intend to put it in a wood training pot. Hoping this will turn into a nice bonsai. Will update this thread and ask for help when I get to the styling stage. Thank you very much View attachment 374869View attachment 374870
Cool flowers.
I have huge bottle brush yard trees. Ant magnets because of the bark.
The hummingbirds dive bomb the trees staking out territory. Great food source for them.
Great to know. Many thanks😊.
I am not 100% sure, but have a memory that these are a bit touchy about having their roots cut/disturbed. I would suggest going careful - Aussie native.
Maybe @Starfox might have some advice, as I can’t totally remember.
Yeah I have a few of these in varying stages. Bottlebrush are generally a resilient tree and can take quite a bit of work at once.
What I personally have found though is when you start with nursery stock that is quite pot bound then it's better to sort the roots out in stages. Some will say you can go quite hard but personally I'd just saw the bottom third off and do my best at fluffing the roots out. Bare rooting shouldn't be an issue though.
Getting it into a growbox with bonsai soil seems like a good plan to me and probably exactly what I'd do if it were mine. Timing is good as well, enjoy the flowers, cut 'em back and fingers crossed pot away.

Best after care is to not let it dry out and keep the moisture up, some people use water trays after repotting. I haven't but humidity is normally high here, choice is yours.
Some species are more resilient than others. Most I can cut roots ruthlessly and they keep growing. Best time for root work seems to be after flowering. Even though the tree will be in full growth mode they recover better then.
16 April, 2022 update: wired down to create a weeping style which seems to be the natural style.C41809EE-6AF2-41DE-B89C-54E038EA8011.jpegA1987413-77C4-4B51-80E9-E512351CFD83.jpeg7FD0CA79-C3F5-494A-A0AE-7686205BAD83.jpeg
June-20-22: Flowers this year. Looks pretty good and I intend to remove the flowers and prune back hard this year. Also intend to create a separate progression thread for this one.

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