Mister 500,000
The year was 1999 and I was living in Phoenix. I had been lurking on the old IBC website for awhile. I had checked out and read every bonsai book at the local library and via interlibrary loan. Boxwood was recommended as a great plant to start out with. So I went and bought my first victim. I promptly chopped it back to a single branch and potted it in a HUGE pot with potting soil.
Now this will shock most of you but it was dead as fast as the remaining leaves could dry up.
I have not even tried a boxwood since. Not sure if I was hurt, angry, bitter at boxwoods I don't know but I just have never even wanted another. Lately I have been gaining interest again I think it was the thread on Kingsvilles that got me going.
Well I was on a quick trip through the local nursery to see if they had any more clearance acacias when I spotted a few hundred 5gal "Winter Gem" boxwoods for $4.99. So I grabbed three real quick. All three are about 2 feet tall from the soil and all have at least a 2 inch base.
The problem is I don't know how to proceed or when to start. Should I give them a preliminary trim to clean them up or just leave them till fall? They will be labeled 1, 2, and 3 in the posts that follow.
Now this will shock most of you but it was dead as fast as the remaining leaves could dry up.

Well I was on a quick trip through the local nursery to see if they had any more clearance acacias when I spotted a few hundred 5gal "Winter Gem" boxwoods for $4.99. So I grabbed three real quick. All three are about 2 feet tall from the soil and all have at least a 2 inch base.
The problem is I don't know how to proceed or when to start. Should I give them a preliminary trim to clean them up or just leave them till fall? They will be labeled 1, 2, and 3 in the posts that follow.