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NE Oregon
One of my quince has these bumps, curled leaves etc. Help on what that might be pls. To late at this point as winter is coming on here, but would like to know. Thanks


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I've been getting this on my quinces this year... I think it is either too much water or too much sun, I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm repotting a few this autumn so I'll check to see how the roots are.
I've been getting this on my quinces this year... I think it is either too much water or too much sun, I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm repotting a few this autumn so I'll check to see how the roots are.
I just read that this might be a gall caused by a bug running around on the leaves and irritating it. No clue how they do that. No sign of any bugs or any place where bugs are eating the leaves.

Also, I am using an iPhone 13, and these pictures of the quince on my phone are way better than what is showing up here. Wonder why.
Galls are typically caused by gall wasp larva. Gall wasps (There are a few different kinds) are tiny and their larva hatch out this time of year and start messing with leaves. I get some on oak every late summer/early fall. The kind I'm plagued with like to stitch leaves together with silk and then scrape the surfaces off those leaves while protected inside their leaf envelope

This, however, looks to me to be a fungal infection of some kind. Gall wasp larva create galls --usually round-ish hollow clumps on leaves--that the larva live inside for a period. There are no galls here, but what looks to be malformed leaf tissue, including that small lump--which doesn't look like a gall to me.

Since quince are kin to apples, I'd look at fungal diseases that apples are susceptible to to get an idea of what's going on.
Not sure. But concur it looks fungal…maybe leaf mite.

Wondering., have these quince been hit regularly with copper fungicide? If not give them a good spray and keep the foliage dry. Had a similar thing happen to hawthorns and copper did the trick.

Also please keep the leaves dry in this time of the year .... and ensure the media is clean of devris.

Given this works the leaves won’t change to normal, but the new ones will come out normal.

DSD sends
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