Brush cherry cuttings?

Joe R

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Central Kansas
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I was wondering if anyone had successfully taken and grown brush cherry cuttings? I recently got three cuttings from the local bonsai club but they weren't sure if they would root either. Ive put root hormone on the ends and put them in a cup of water already.
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No one has ever gotten them to root the way you are going about it.
  1. Get them out of water
  2. Strike the cuttings in a suitable size nursery container partly filled with your dampened favorite bonsai substrate
    1. do it in a way that the cutting is secure and won't move around if the pot is moved
  3. Enclose in translucent plastic (so as to make a terrarium or humidity tent
  4. Place in a shaded spot (no direct sunlight)
Optionally you can sit it on a heating pad set to maintain 70F-75F.

If you see possible fungal issues, spray the cutting and inside of the 'tent' with a solution of 2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide to one quart of water and re-enclose. If you have the peroxide on hand you might do this when you first put the cutting into the 'tent'
No one has ever gotten them to root the way you are going about it.
  1. Get them out of water
  2. Strike the cuttings
Okay so what do you mean by "strike the cuttings"? And would regular potting soil be okay, I don't have any bonsai soil and won't be able to get some for a few days. What is the success rate of this method?
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