Hey fellow Nuts,
I hope everyone is doing well and for those of you in the U.S., I hope you had a fun and safe independence day. I am having a small problem with one of my junipers. It has been the strongest growing and most healthy Juniper in my small collection, and I am noticing some weakness that I can't comprehend the origination of.
Over the last three weeks, I have notices some of the tips of the juniper turning brown and dying off. it doesn't seem to go past this year's growth, and is only affecting about 20 percent of the tree. I would chalk it up to tip blight, but I have made two applications this season of a granular systemic. I don't see how, with a systemic in place, tip blight can still be showing. I only have two other thoughts. 1.) perhaps my watering wasn't great on a hot day and it killed off the new growth that did not have a hard cuticle yet, or 2.) I put slightly too much systemic on the soil surface and it caused the young tips to scorch on a hot day. We did have an unseasonably hot week early in the spring. I considered maybe the tree was dropping some foliage it didn't need since it has grown so robustly over the last year or so, but I would've expected the entire branch of the tips affected to die back. Not just the freshly grown tips.
I don't have pics I can show at this time, and I will post them when I get home from work this evening, or tomorrow morning. However, does anyone have experience with this on nana junipers?
I hope everyone is doing well and for those of you in the U.S., I hope you had a fun and safe independence day. I am having a small problem with one of my junipers. It has been the strongest growing and most healthy Juniper in my small collection, and I am noticing some weakness that I can't comprehend the origination of.
Over the last three weeks, I have notices some of the tips of the juniper turning brown and dying off. it doesn't seem to go past this year's growth, and is only affecting about 20 percent of the tree. I would chalk it up to tip blight, but I have made two applications this season of a granular systemic. I don't see how, with a systemic in place, tip blight can still be showing. I only have two other thoughts. 1.) perhaps my watering wasn't great on a hot day and it killed off the new growth that did not have a hard cuticle yet, or 2.) I put slightly too much systemic on the soil surface and it caused the young tips to scorch on a hot day. We did have an unseasonably hot week early in the spring. I considered maybe the tree was dropping some foliage it didn't need since it has grown so robustly over the last year or so, but I would've expected the entire branch of the tips affected to die back. Not just the freshly grown tips.
I don't have pics I can show at this time, and I will post them when I get home from work this evening, or tomorrow morning. However, does anyone have experience with this on nana junipers?