

Marine Bonsologist
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
I am amazed by them. I just repotted 2 of them that were happily putting out shoots as if nothing was wrong. The pots were so packed, and I mean packed full of roots, its a wonder there was any soil at all.

Yes, I agree. I purchased 3 3gl boxwood last spring from a greenhouse that concentrates on bedding plants. They must have had these 2 boxwood for 5 or 6 years. The pots were filled with 95 percent roots most of which were healthy and growing, some bark pieces and some compost-like organic matter. There was about an inch or so of dead boxwood leaf compost on the surface of the soil. I repotted them as soon as I got them home into fairly oversized mice ovals. This spring I repotted them into smaller bulb pans. They had filled up the ovals in one season.

I like boxwood more and more. Both regular old landscape and Kingsville dwarf. I need to find some overgrown landscape specimens that some wants removed.

Collected box


Collected in Feb. putting out new shoots. Chopped the roots pretty good so hopefully not from energy stored in tree. But so far so good.

It's 6 inches at the base and about 33 tall. Pretty big but think it has potential. Picked it up at local Burger King.
It's 6 inches at the base and about 33 tall. Pretty big but think it has potential. Picked it up at local Burger King.
They must have asked if you wanted to supersize it. Bigger stuff is always a bargain!
Boxwood is my favorite so far. Easy to collect, propagate, care for, grow, and train. What else can we ask? :) ...oh yeah, better flowers and fall colors, then it will be perfect LOL :o mentioned on your thread, that is an awesome find. :)
Really? We had no idea....:p

:p LOL. Well you can have lots of a particular plant...just because you have access to it but that doesn't mean it is your favorite right? ;)

For example, I have about same amount of yaupon (and much nicer stocks too), I really like it and could become my favorite shortly...especially with yaupon's berries, winter silhouette, back budding & healing ability, etc. Then there are trident maple, JBP, ...could easily be my favorite too...but I am not too excited with mine because all I have are so-so quality stocks for now.

I am sure, my "taste" and preference will evolve as I work on others species as well. :)
Geez make up your mind....

You know I'm joking right?
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