Bonsai Techniques 1 & 2 by John Yoshio Naka


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Netherlands - Europe
Some years ago I bought this set of bonsai books (as is).
But I recently bought another complete set in mint condition and that's the reason why I want to sell this set.

Bonsai Techniques 1 - 1987 8th print - original copy with an extra cover
Bonsai Techniques 2 - 1987 3th print - photocopy (black and white pictures) with an extra cover

The price is € 100,00 for the set excluding the costs for shipping.

I'm also willing to trade the set for something else with a similar value.
I'm thinking about trees species like Zelkova, Trident maple or Acer Koto Hime for example.

Some years ago I bought this set of bonsai books (as is).
But I recently bought another complete set in mint condition and that's the reason why I want to sell this set.

Bonsai Techniques 1 - 1987 8th print - original copy with an extra cover
Bonsai Techniques 2 - 1987 3th print - photocopy (black and white pictures) with an extra cover

The price is € 100,00 for the set excluding the costs for shipping.

I'm also willing to trade the set for something else with a similar value.
I'm thinking about trees species like Zelkova, Trident maple or Acer Koto Hime for example.

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I have been watching for another set of John Naka's books to take apart, scan and use optical charactor recognition to make a searchable document for the two volumes. Is the Volume II a copy and is it clear enough to scan? Looks like you are in England or I would offer you the trees you want. As I am in the USA I will offer the cash you ask for 100 euro.
Vol. II is a very clear photocopy and I'm sure it can be scaned without any problems.

Tonight I will make some extra pictures of vol. II for you so you can have a look at it, I will send the picture via DM.

I live in the Netherlands (Europe) and sending trees from the USA is no option for me.
A banktransfer would be my preferred payment but Paypal could also be an option.

The books are reserved until further notice for @Dave704.
I have the books listed in this topic for sale and you can send me a message via this forum if you want to buy them.
I keep hearing about these books in interviews and podcasts. I’m going to pull the trigger and order these unused online. Seems like they are more than worth it!
I keep hearing about these books in interviews and podcasts. I’m going to pull the trigger and order these unused online. Seems like they are more than worth it!
That's funny, I hear the opposite: that the techniques are out of date, and they are not worth the inflated prices.

The saving grace being the pot guide in vol. 2

Edit: not to say that they aren't great collector's items.
Finding a set for a decent price will be a challenge.

At the moment both books are offered for sale in the Netherlands (Marktplaats).
Techniques 1 for 125 euro and Techniques 2 for 150 euro.
I keep hearing about these books in interviews and podcasts. I’m going to pull the trigger and order these unused online. Seems like they are more than worth it!
They are worth it and they're not--it depends on on what you're looking for.

If you're looking for tips on soil, tree care etc. the books were NEVER meant to serve that purpose for anyone outside Southern California. The first book was assembled from care instructions Naka had written for his group of students in that area. Most of the soil info is long outdated, as is SOME of the tree care. A lot is still valid though.

If you're looking for expert design ideas, and understanding of some of the finer points of design, pots, etc. these are well worth the cost (if it's not north of $150--that's where my interest would end). The second book, in particular, goes into design and display. Some of the photos are interesting as well. John Naka was a generous guy, so he signed A LOT of copies.
They are worth it and they're not--it depends on on what you're looking for.

If you're looking for tips on soil, tree care etc. the books were NEVER meant to serve that purpose for anyone outside Southern California. The first book was assembled from care instructions Naka had written for his group of students in that area. Most of the soil info is long outdated, as is SOME of the tree care. A lot is still valid though.

If you're looking for expert design ideas, and understanding of some of the finer points of design, pots, etc. these are well worth the cost (if it's not north of $150--that's where my interest would end). The second book, in particular, goes into design and display. Some of the photos are interesting as well. John Naka was a generous guy, so he signed A LOT of copies.
Much appreciated!
Small bumb and a price reduction.
The set of books is now for sale for € 85,00 excluding the cost for shipping.
You are probably right about the copyright but as I stated in the first topic, I bought these books "as is" and this is the only book I have as a copy fo sale.
I'm not actively copying the books to sell them.

I got another mint full set of the books and this set is surplus at the moment and that's the reason I will sell it.
Trowing the copied book away will be a shame IMO.
I’m ordering Techniques 1 and 2 and they will (hopefully) be my last books for a while 😂
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