Bonsai boarding in Southern California


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Irvine CA
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a bonsai nursery or professional in the Southern California region for long term (6 months) boarding.

My 'garden' is my balcony. It serves me quite well most of the year. But late spring and summer months I do not get all-day full sun, as there is an eave above me. Basically no direct sun until afternoon. Not an issue for my smaller bonsai, as I have a big grow light I position above them. But I have two particular trees, a 24" tall JBP and a 30" tall juniper that are problematic. The past couple of years, I simply move them to an outdoor position that gets morning sun, but it's a common area and an HOA violation or theft waiting to happen. Hoping to make my life easier this year.

Thanks in advance, cheers
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a bonsai nursery or professional in the Southern California region for long term (6 months) boarding.

My 'garden' is my balcony. It serves me quite well most of the year. But late spring and summer months I do not get all-day full sun, as there is an eave above me. Basically no direct sun until afternoon. Not an issue for my smaller bonsai, as I have a big grow light I position above them. But I have two particular trees, a 24" tall JBP and a 30" tall juniper that are problematic. The past couple of years, I simply move them to an outdoor position that gets morning sun, but it's a common area and an HOA violation or theft waiting to happen. Hoping to make my life easier this year.

Thanks in advance, cheers

Have you tried asking at a reputable bonsai shop near your area? One with established areas for holding trees?

The few over here in my neck of the woods will board bonsai.
California is a bonsai mecca in the US, I can't imagine there isn't someone over there that will hold trees.
Joining a club and finding someone who can help is a great option. Don't know if you've priced boarding, but I do it every winter for one of my trees at a bonsai nursery here. Ain't cheap.
Thanks for replies. Maybe I should consider joining a club, but there's a reason I enjoy the company of inanimate trees over people 😬
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