Bolter's Acorn to Oak Tree Thread


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Sacramento, CA
While wine tasting - I found some Cork Oak acorns that I am guessing a kid picked up earlier in the day.

Wine Tasting.jpgTwin Trunk Cork Bark Oak.jpg

Grabbed a pile, soaked them for 2 days and threw them a garden bed ~2 weeks ago. Starting to root already.

Pile of Acorns.jpgAcorn Sprouting.jpg

I also planted 4 Valley Oak acorns that I found on a fallen branch. Tried going back for more - but the squirls in the area are vicious. And, one mystery acorn that I found in a Olive tree pot that I bought at auction.
Looking forward to seeing the progress. I love the Cork bark
Valley oaks have a bit of differentiation in their leaves, with an average height of 8 inches, with the tallest being 24 inches.

Large Leaves
Valley Oak Large Leaves.jpg

Small Leaves
Valley Oak Small Leaves.jpg

Deeper lobed leaves
Lobed Valley Oak Leaves.jpg

The cork oaks mostly just vary in height, with the average being around 12 inches and the tallest 18 inches.

Cork Oak Seedlings.jpg
Beginning of the year update.

Tallest Valley oak is 58 inches tall with ~ 1/2 inch base. Checked under the soil line - and happy to see a few surface roots.
Valley Oak Surface Roots.jpg

Tallest Cork Oak is 45 inches with ~3/8 inch base. Also a few surface roots under the soil line.
Was not sure if I am going to have to soil layer these to pull them out when they thicken some. Might try on a few.
Cork Oak Surface Roots.jpg

Pulled a Cork Oak by accident when grabbing a weed and it didn't seem to have much of a tap root. Threw it in a basket for now.
Pulled Cork Oak.jpgCork Oak in Basket.jpg
I wired one of the Valley Oaks in early August. I was planning to use the thicker trunk as a sacrifice, and wanted to move it to the side so the smaller branch saw more light.
Valley Oak Wired.jpgWired Valley Oak.jpg

Not sure when I took the wire off - but it was biting in a bit. Can still see the wire marks, and it has straightened out a bit.
Valley Oak Wire Bite.jpg


Also, the mystery oak is ~7 inches.
Mystery Oak 7 inches.jpg
Your mystery oak looks like at least a cousin of my Coast Live Oak (Quercus wislizeni)

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