Big bald cypress 911


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Albuquerque new mexico
Hey everyone, this morning at my local club workshop I had a member come to me and ask if I wanted his bald cypress since he has killed 5 of them and their one wasn't doing to well. He knows I have a pretty good green thumb so he thought that maybe I could revive it.
This tree has been in its pot for 4 years without a repot and he literally had it in a tub of water the entire 4 years, winter and all. So this tree has had a hard life.
My question to you guys is should I do a repot and keep the tree in my greenhouse overwinter to help it regain vigor? Or should I just water it as a normal plant and hope it does a bit better?I did check around in the pot and it didn't seem like there were much roots and the soil is very heavy on the organics.
Here's the tree20160917_144203.jpg
Some branches are dead, some are budding, and a couple actually have foliage.20160917_144133.jpg
This is a good size tree and I'd like to save it, so any input on how I can revive this one is appreciated.

Hi Aaron, in my climate they've just started yellowing and in month or two they'll drop the needles and some branches and go dormant. When going dormant, do they need repotting?
And hey, you're a collector...Porsche BC?
Hi Aaron, in my climate they've just started yellowing and in month or two they'll drop the needles and some branches and go dormant. When going dormant, do they need repotting?
And hey, you're a collector...Porsche BC?
I more worried about the repotting since the soil is in bad condition and I feel the tree may not make it through this winter, my other BC are still growing like mad so this one is really not doing good. I was thinking about keeping it with the tropicals over winter.
Not sure what you mean by Porsche BC?Lol

Well I did the deed just out of my own suspicion and this tree hardly had any roots. It's now in a smaller pot and soaking but I may just pull it out and water it as a normal tree and try to get those roots going again.20160917_155318.jpg
Any input as to whether I should keep this with the tropicals or just in my cold frame would be appreciated.

Yeah, this tree is in rough shape, that base looks like a mess and ultimately needs to be planted deeper. This might be a case where he tree is doomed regardless of what you do. Sounds like you already have success with BC in your area, I suggest doing what you already are doing with your other tree and hope it bounces back. Do you need to soak them in a tub?
. Do you need to soak them in a tub?
Not really this time of year, definitely I'm summer though as it helps keep the roots cool and prevents scorch. I'm going to remove it from the tub later today, I just want it to stay wet for a little bit since I did a repot though I dint remove a single root from the tree.
Could be a fun carving project if it lives.

Not really this time of year, definitely I'm summer though as it helps keep the roots cool and prevents scorch. I'm going to remove it from the tub later today, I just want it to stay wet for a little bit since I did a repot though I dint remove a single root from the tree.
Could be a fun carving project if it lives.

I'd consider keeping it with the trops if you have room after you get it in good soil. They grow great in the deep south, so the less environmental stress and increased growth time the better. Hopefully there's plenty of metabolic power stored up in that wood to push for you.
My thought is that it's a goner , dealt with them over the years and while tough this one won't be able to handle what's been done to it. Sometimes trees surprise you but it would have been better to be planted much much deeper. Good luck
Should of left it alone, just my opinion.
I have faith the tree will pull through. I am going through the same thing as you, with 1 of my 7 BCs. It has new growth and green leaves, but most branches show Brown. I am confident my tree will make it.
Don't write this tree out just yet. There's hope, until it's brown.

Is it still green under the bark?
Should of left it alone, just my opinion.
I have faith the tree will pull through. I am going through the same thing as you, with 1 of my 7 BCs. It has new growth and green leaves, but most branches show Brown. I am confident my tree will make it.
I think I made the right decision, the soil was like concrete and it literally looked like it hadn't grown roots into the soil mix the entire 4 years it was in the pot. Many of the large roots that are exposed are dead for the most part.
I hope it pulls through, I have a great BC now so I won't be to hurt if it doesn't make it. Good news is there's was some new root growth so the tree isn't dead. This one will be a funky tree if it makes it lol

:D good news!

I still know little about trees, or plants for that matter.
Does the size of tree count in relation to it's likelihood of surviving adverse condition?
The bigger the tree, the more stored energy therefor more likely to live?
:D good news!

Does the size of tree count in relation to it's likelihood of surviving adverse condition?
The bigger the tree, the more stored energy therefor more likely to live?
I'm general yes, larger trees will have more energy and can handle worse conditions or insults then say a saplings of the same species would be able to handle. I hope I can make space in the greenhouse for it, otherwise this winter may be it's last. The fact that it sat in a tub of water in the middle of winter not protected, and it's roots have literally been in a block of ice for 4 winters. I'd say this thing is pretty

I would have planted it deeper for encouraging a healthier root system and in a larger pot for those roots to spread. Then once healthy would have unearthed the roots a bit more. The health of a tree always trumps exposed root look. But it's done...wish you luck.
I would have planted it deeper for encouraging a healthier root system and in a larger pot for those roots to spread. Then once healthy would have unearthed the roots a bit more. The health of a tree always trumps exposed root look. But it's done...wish you luck.
I'll take pictures when the sun comes up, but I wasn't exposing those roots for aesthetics, more so I wouldn't waste a ton of soil. Many of those larger roots that are exposed right now are dead, so burying it deeper would've been useless to try and get feeder roots higher up.

I don't own any obviously. But I should think no. And maybe that's why it never grew many roots. It never had to sea
My cruel suspicion is that the tree did TRY to grow roots each of the last 4 years, but freezing into a block of ice in winter I'd imagine that would kill any roots off. I'm honestly surprised it's toughed it out this long. Just wait and see I guess.

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