Best time of year to chop branches to develop new shoots into an apex?


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Northern Ohio
So I have a young Cotoneaster with a few large branches but not very much dense foliage near the top, so I wanted to chop one of the awkward semi larger branches to encourage new shoots that I could later develop into an apex. I live in an area with late winter, so fall won't start for another month or so. Should I wait until spring to do this or should I do it in fall so the tree already knows where to send new growth in the spring?
I'm curious too.
I have killed 2 Cotoneaster plants this I'll wait for the advice.
But I can tell you that if you add your general location to your profile, people will be able to give better advice to you.
Growing seasons around the world vary widely and it is difficult to get a perspective on what someone says when we don't know where in the world they are. If you go to the upper right hand corner and click on your Icon, you can add your location and people will be able to customize advice for you, and you might connect with another local.

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So I have a young Cotoneaster with a few large branches but not very much dense foliage near the top, so I wanted to chop one of the awkward semi larger branches to encourage new shoots that I could later develop into an apex. I live in an area with late winter, so fall won't start for another month or so. Should I wait until spring to do this or should I do it in fall so the tree already knows where to send new growth in the spring?
I would personally do this after the spring growth hardens off next year, I would not do it now if it is nearing fall for you.
Yeah Jecrispy!

Welcome to Crazy!

Growing seasons around the world vary widely and it is difficult to get a perspective on what someone says when we don't know where in the world they are. If you go to the upper right hand corner and click on your Icon, you can add your location and people will be able to customize advice for you, and you might connect with another local.

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I've added my location. I'm in the Midwestern region of the US so we get fairly strong seasonality although winter does come a bit late here.
I would wait until late winter / early spring, prior to bud break. That is unless you want to thicken up the trunk more at this point in which case I would wait longer.
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