Best Bonsai Magazine Subscription?


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I want to buy a bonsai magazine gift subscription for a friend and would like recommendations. I read in an old (2015) thread that the top magazines were:

1. International Bonsai Magazine
2. Bonsai Today
3. The Journal of the American Bonsai Society

These all appear to be out of print now, or are only available digitally. I would like to gift a physical magazine subscription rather than send random back issues. I'm sure those can be incredible resources, but since this is a gift and I'm not a bonsai expert, it would be nice to give something more "complete."

I see that Bonsai Focus is still around. It's pretty expensive, but is that a good one?

A nice reference/how-to book with photos could be a good alternative if there isn't a clear frontrunner magazine. I am not a bonsai aficionado myself, but want to support my friend's new passion!

Thanks in advance for your input.
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Not a magazine but The principles of bonsai design by David de Groot is a very wanted bundle of paper.
Not a magazine but The principles of bonsai design by David de Groot is a very wanted bundle of paper.
Is that a kind of "bonsai bible" for folks in the community? I see Stone Lantern has the second edition in stock.
This is a nice starter gift. Print Magazines are kinda thing of the past now.
I'm pretty sure that Bonsai Today merged or was taken over by Bonsai Focus. I still get Bonsai Focus and enjoy the read. Should have plenty of interest for newer growers.
Bonsai Today was sold off to Bonsai Focus quite a while ago. Bonsai Focus is a good publication, but it's based in Europe.

The ABS Journal is the best among your list. It contains articles from bonsaists in the U.S. (Some of those writers are even here on this forum). It has content about North American native species.
Is that a kind of "bonsai bible" for folks in the community? I see Stone Lantern has the second edition in stock.
Hard to choose my "favorite" bonsai book, but is definitely the best book on bonsai design that I own. Not a coffee table book, but actually approaches bonsai design from an art perspective.
Is that a kind of "bonsai bible" for folks in the community? I see Stone Lantern has the second edition in stock.
Since the price of a hardcover first edition can be as high as 400 USD, I think it is.
It's a cool thing to own at least.
Second edition probably has better picture quality too.
Bonsai bibles are a rare thing because it's an evolving horticultural practice as well as an evolving art form. But there is a fun little book that I've heard is a good - and interesting- read. It's called Bonsai Heresy.
Never read it myself but it's on my wishlist.
Depends what you’re looking for but I like this book a lot

The thing I like about it is the breadth of species it covers. It’s a great little primer for a ton of different species. Of all my books, this one and Merrigioldi’s book on maples are the two I come back to again and again

DeGroot is great too, for the aesthetic aspects
If you’re asking the best way to spend recurring subscription monies you could look into an online platform.

Bjorn and Ryan Neil both have them with slightly different flavors. I know I enjoy the regular, albeit remote demonstrations.
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