Bark clean up and pondering

Can't say that it has, started to spike a bit here and there. The foliage was decent to begin with though I think.

I might have about 20 rmj by now, 2 have been persistently leggy and one persistently juvenile, the rest seem to be just fine as far as tightness of foliage.
The three problematic ones have all been through the soil cleaning stage and are becoming well established in reasonable substrate now so I'll be watching them with curiousity. I think it can sometimes take quite a few years of establishment and maintenance before we can really tell how the foliage will respond.
In the wild here RMJ growing in the shade of forest canopy are always horribly leggy but those out in the open are usually pretty good.
Same here. One of my junipers has great growth, one is a crazy mix of juvenile and mature, third is leggy & does not stand tall. Newest one has solid foliage.
Hoping fertilizer and full sun make the difference.
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