Imperial Masterpiece
I truly though this one was gone. Early summer and I had not adjusted the watering quite enough for the hotter days. A few nearby shohin also wilted. A few were lost some leaves but this little azalea went totally brown.
Normally, azaleas don't like to get dry so it thought it was gone but decided to maintain care - just in case.
It has been totally brown for more than a month.
Now it's back from the dead.
Yesterday I noticed some green shoots on the lower branches.

When I looked closer there were new shoots on some upper branches too.

The closer I look the more new buds I can see.
Decided to take advantage and shorten most of the thinner twigs to reduce branches and maintain the smaller size.

It should still be early enough in the season for the new shoots to mature and set flower buds for next spring.
Normally, azaleas don't like to get dry so it thought it was gone but decided to maintain care - just in case.
It has been totally brown for more than a month.
Now it's back from the dead.
Yesterday I noticed some green shoots on the lower branches.

When I looked closer there were new shoots on some upper branches too.

The closer I look the more new buds I can see.
Decided to take advantage and shorten most of the thinner twigs to reduce branches and maintain the smaller size.

It should still be early enough in the season for the new shoots to mature and set flower buds for next spring.