At what temps should Japanese Maples be shaded?

The Warm Canuck

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Belleville, Ontario, Canada
I've got my Japanese Maples in full sun right now from 8am-6pm. Right now, we're averaging 55deg most days, so I have no concerns.

I realize there are other factor such as humidity and wind. But, at what temperature should I start moving my trees out of the afternoon sun.
I don't shade mine at all - but I'm weird like that and it gets to be over 100 (with humidity index) here in summer - my 4 Japanese maples do fine and don't even crisp up. This may be due to the high humidity I have here(VA) but in Canada You may be just fine.
It's very location specific. I don't really shade mine either. In the height of the summer I may need to move a few if the leaves are getting funky. I don't think I ever moved a plain vanilla JM out of full sun.
My backyard is full intense sun all day. It reflects off the sun bleached fence behind my trees and it reflects of the sun bleached bench they sit on. Not crazy ideal but it’s where I can grow them. Anyway… I put up my shade structure around the summer solstice when temps sit around 90F and I have found this is the perfect recipe for me. I take it down in late September and get incredible fall color
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I suspect high/filtered shade by early afternoon is ideal, regardless of climate, assuming you're wanting those pristine blemish-free fall leaves ala @MACH5. Some kind of wind break is also helpful. I can swing the afternoon shade in my yard but the wind is another story.
I suspect high/filtered shade by early afternoon is ideal, regardless of climate, assuming you're wanting those pristine blemish-free fall leaves ala @MACH5. Some kind of wind break is also helpful. I can swing the afternoon shade in my yard but the wind is another story.
Yes, you assumed right!

I'd like to avoid the whole shade screen set-up but I might have to bite the bullet and set a pergola up or something.
Yes, you assumed right!

I'd like to avoid the whole shade screen set-up but I might have to bite the bullet and set a pergola up or something.
Right now, my maples are all in full sun from about 9 AM to 7 PM, but once the oak trees on the west side of my yard leaf out in a week or two, they’ll be in that spot of high shade by mid afternoon at the latest.
North Louisiana here. Mine are under shade cloth when temps hit 85 degrees. I put up my shade cloth last weekend. In the dog days I move them to another spot that’s completely shaded otherwise they will burn. We hit actual ambient temps of 103-109 degrees every day for from July until the first cool front in October. It was the hottest summer on record. I’ve been doing HVAC for 13yrs, I have never seen brand new units running 450psi out of the box, high pressure cut out is like 500-550psi. Usually they’ll run 375psi on the high side out of the box during the dog days.
I've got my Japanese Maples in full sun right now from 8am-6pm. Right now, we're averaging 55deg most days, so I have no concerns.

I realize there are other factor such as humidity and wind. But, at what temperature should I start moving my trees out of the afternoon sun.
In your area I don't think the summer heat is much of a concern. Low 80's is not a heat threat... If it get's over 90, you can provide some dappled shade.
, assuming you're wanting those pristine blemish-free fall leaves
My life style revolves around making sure my maples have mint condition leaves haha
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