Ash #4

Well done!

That is probably the most excellent work done with a Fraxinus I have ever seen.

Seems powerful, and intimidating when one is standing close to it.

That pot though... Mixed with the autumnal colours of the foliage just makes the whole picture look like a sunset. Beautiful.

@Walter Pall Do you treat ash particularly differently throughout the season to slow down the coarseness of the new growth? I can see it’s a fairly large tree, but the growth is quite fine so how do you stop it from getting away from you?
That pot though... Mixed with the autumnal colours of the foliage just makes the whole picture look like a sunset. Beautiful.

@Walter Pall Do you treat ash particularly differently throughout the season to slow down the coarseness of the new growth? I can see it’s a fairly large tree, but the growth is quite fine so how do you stop it from getting away from you?
I let it get away from me first. No pinching at all in spring. Six to eight weeks after bud brake I do full defoliation and cut back as far as possible. The nwe growt behaves and the ramificatin gets better. If you do the orthodx tratment you cannpt handle an ash really well.
I let it get away from me first. No pinching at all in spring. Six to eight weeks after bud brake I do full defoliation and cut back as far as possible. The nwe growt behaves and the ramificatin gets better. If you do the orthodx tratment you cannpt handle an ash really well.
Thank you for that. I’ll give it a go.
What is this? Walter using "traditional" wiring? :-)

Also, the scale is hard to discern. On Instagram this tree looks like it's 8 inches high.
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