Are these Junipers not savable?

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Northern Virginia (Zone 7a)
I kept these Blue Rug Junipers in cold storage this year, repotted in March (~10% root reduction, just changed pots), and have done zero styling/trimming. I lost another Juniper last year that started with the exact same look.
They are watered daily, were fertilized at the beginning of the season, and a week ago I treated with Neem Oil.
These trees get direct sunlight between 1pm-7pm and the layout of my yard doesn't really allow me to only give them morning sun.

Is this mites, poor watering, too much sun, bad nutrients, or all of the above? Please help as as these are some of my last year one trees that I've been learning with.

If you can, mist the foliage. Access to greenhouse and misting might save the juniper. I'm not a fan of Neem oil. Acephate or Malathion does better for insect control. If you are going organic, Spinosad will work better than Neem. Copper would be the way to go for fungicide. Also, your soil mix looks like purely granite. Is there bark or akadama in the mix? Not to go into soil debate, but the soil looks too porous. For recovery after repot, shade for a couple of weeks would be better than direct sun.
I will try misting some. I've been concentrating my watering at the base, not to foliage because I thought that was where water was needed most.

Insect Control: Can I treat with Acephate/Malathion so soon after Neem or should I wait?

Soil: I buy this soil in bulk just because there are limited other local sources. 25% each of pumice, lava, Monto Clay (Montmorillonite), and Bonsai Block (fired ball clay). It's definitely top dressed with that but under is a mix of the soil I've always used with is a blend of nursery stock soil (50%), pete moss (25%), and the below bonsai mix (25%).

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