Apron wearing.


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Singing Pines Tyneside-England
Is it the done thing?

The last time i wore an apron was woodwork in high school and then it served no purpose other than it was required as a uniform to be bought with the tie and blazer.

Actually i never had a blazer as jumpers were specified.

Would wearing the apron bring composure to the art?
Youre either a bonsai master or a muppet, which is it?
I have a canvas apron and a heavy leather one. I use the canvas apron with bonsai when I am repotting and working with sappy trees. The leather apron I use when woodworking for safety reasons. It keeps my clothes out of the power tools :)
The apron would bring a genteel composure to the art and is donned by the most learned and elite.
I find the coveralls, though to be boorish.
I have the nylon one for bonsai work, used mostly for sappy trees.

It makes a nice autograph canvass, I bring it out for signing whenever I work with a new professional.
An expensive apron would just complicate things, especially because it would require matching shoes.

I prefer to do bonsai "au naturel", in in the privacy of my backyard.
An expensive apron would just complicate things, especially because it would require matching shoes.

I prefer to do bonsai "au naturel", in in the privacy of my backyard.

Now thats just funny - rock, and attila watch out for cutting those pink branches, no shari either.:p
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