Anyone know what is on my cedar elm branches? Should I be concerned? Should I let it stay? Should I pick it off by hand or use some other form of removal? Thanks for any info you may have!
Thanks a bunch @Cadillactaste! Cedar elms are quite an interesting tree. Found articles mentioning that the wings give way to bark as they mature. Makes me comfortable as I was a little worried about a disease or something.
This sort of corky wings is totally normal in some kinds of elms. In young strong shoots appears like protection mostly on the base. The cork stands for a while, but finally disapear blending whit the bark when the branch thicken or falling apart when time goes on. You can see one of my english elms,arround the minute ten, in this video click,click, with this feature in a 2 years sacrifice branch, but no cork in some areas, and neither in the main trunk.
Young branch one year old
One branch one year old on the left, one 2 years and half old on the right