any Bonsai tools your wish existed?

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woodbury MN
are there any processes or things that are hard to do in bonsai, that you wish a tool existed to help?
“The Jaws of Life” as a gigantic spherical knob cutter for large chops.
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Whoever designed these things, has never used them.
The center unit is the only one that can't be twisted after application because it's stuck to a trunk, that's why it has a handle (!?).
And the handle gets in the way of the butterfly nuts from the arms that should be turned.

Copper wire annealer that prevents the black oxidation.

A guy wire tightener.

A vibrating chop stick. Sounds funny, but when pouring concrete we love packing it down with a vibrating tool.

Some tool to slowly twist a trunk over the vertical plane. I want one branch to move to the left instead of the right, so it takes me 3 years of wiring and twisting the trunk to do that, while the tree is flexible enough to do it in 1 year.

Anti bird turret.
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