Another nice juniper.........

Trained for 20 years and your personal collection but you keep it in a cut off pot. Exhibition grade with a huge pruning scar that should have been made or accounted for years before. Putty would have at least hid it. And I don't know what kind of glasses they are wearing but I need a pair as there is no taper in that lower trunk. Movement yes but not a hint at flare. And this person has quite a few positive feedbacks. What reality do these people live in?:(
You think maybe the description was aimed at someone who knew nothing about bonsai ?
Offer $50, chop halfway between the first and second branches, jin the stub and viola! Instant shohin! Repot it and then sell it for $500. :D
Do people really pay such idiotic prices for bonsai which to say the least is not up to scratch ??

Maybe this is what we could do with all the trees we have in our collections that were not quite happy with ....;)
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