Another little scots.

M. Frary

Bonsai Godzilla
Reaction score
Mio Michigan
I acquired this little guy from @Vance Wood at our annual show. It sat there all weekend for sale and no one bought it. I think it was one of the better trees he was selling but nobody hardly even looked at it. Probably because I shuffled it to the rear where nobody could see it! It was in a little bulb pot. Root bound bad. I sawed off a third of the block of roots and put it in its home for the next couple years. They take this treatment in stride this time of year. A little wire later today and it's on its way.20160812_165038.jpg
Very nice Mike. Wish i could grow them down here but cant. Post pics after the wiring is done.

Very nice Mike. Wish i could grow them down here but cant. Post pics after the wiring is done.

I will Rick.
You can't grow them where you're at but you're doing JBP!
You've been wanting to do those from the moment you started and it sounds like you are getting a handle on them. I'm happy for you. And way to keep at it and not get discouraged. You're getting the help you need from the guys on here that can and will help you.
I know if I could grow JBP I would buddy up to Adair,BVF and Markyscott.
What are your plans for this one. The one thing i have learned is to listen to those that grow these and grow them well. I think new people coming into the hobby see these beautiful trees these guys do and want instant bonsai not realizing these guys have years working on them to get them that way. As much as a person wants to work a tree, you just cant do it until the right time.

I appreciate being able to read the fine print on the miracle grow box...
But for Christ sake....
Focus on the tree!

I like the Orange colander.

And that is a nice lil piece!

shuffled it to the rear where nobody could see it!

Hahahaha! Good move!

Hell yeah!

Thanks for the full good pic!

Glad you hid that one!

Friggin Nice!

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