An Elm repotting question

Deadwood Head
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The Communist State of Maryland
I am new to the lovely world of Elms.
I decided to start with an extra ugly S tree from the internet.
I have successfully repotted several different trees this summer, but they're all evergreens and conifers.
I know usually it is best to do it before bud burst in early spring, with deciduous trees.
The reason I want to repot it asap is that the soil is too wet, and too organic.
Since I pulled it out of the box, it has put on new shoots, about 6-8 leaves long, and appears to be growing strong.
Is it safe to do an early August repot?....heat index says 105-115 degrees F today...
I can post pics later today if anyone wants to see the thing.
I'd wait till spring so you can do more thorough root work.

Unless F it is an option since its an S!

Screw it.... layer it!

I'll probably wait...
It just always freaks me out when the top soil is dry as a bone, but you dig down half an inch, and it's like a swamp...
My layer at at a friends house elm has been curling up on hot I water again...

Just find its sign to water again...and don't water it till it needs it....

At least you'll get to spring that way.

No water all winter....

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You saw that pre edit?

Totally noon at Grimmy's!

I'll probably wait...
It just always freaks me out when the top soil is dry as a bone, but you dig down half an inch, and it's like a swamp...
It freaks every1. In 6B you've got some 2 months ahead and it will go dormant. Try not to overwater it in the winter and it should be fine. I always try to acquire new trees in the spring to repot them immediately, but yes I TRY...
I'll probably wait...
It just always freaks me out when the top soil is dry as a bone, but you dig down half an inch, and it's like a swamp...

My Wife has a small Elm in 1/2 inch deep container and it sits in water 24 hours a day - It does not care... She also brought home two that were 2 inches tall in a wet paper towel from work 2 weeks ago on a 92F day, tossed them in a bulb pot with my nursery mix. They stay wet and have doubled in size... If you look closely at what I just typed American Elms are damn rugged...

Totally noon at Grimmy's!


Is it safe to do an early August repot?...

It could be OK, but...

But since I don't know what the climate is in Maryland today, I'd suggest to just remove it from its pot and put it in a bigger, larger one with 90% coarse lava rock or the like and 10% composted pine bark or long shreds of peat.

It's another option: if you continue to feed it until autumn, new roots will develop, and next spring, repotting will be safer.

My 2€ cents :cool:

Agreed and I should have mentioned that as well. I just thought the examples I pointed out would make it obvious. I don't think the OP should however bare root and change substrate as the weather lately will put them on a water 4 times daily schedule :p

By the way I took your advice on the Spruce and it hasn't skipped a beat but that was simply slip potted into larger and similar substrate. Landscape planting but happy it worked out.

Sorry, everyone, got real busy at the end of the day there....
Thank you all, I really appreciate the input.
I will likely just leave it till spring.
I purchased this tree 10 days ago as a gift for a friend that recently has gotten into bonsai. I repotted that day in pumice, lava, turface, and bark bc the tree was basically lifeless, not actively growing, and bc what the hell.

Will probably gift it to him this weekend considering it has bounced back!

It can be done!


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I purchased this tree 10 days ago as a gift for a friend that recently has gotten into bonsai. I repotted that day in pumice, lava, turface, and bark bc the tree was basically lifeless, not actively growing, and bc what the hell.

Will probably gift it to him this weekend considering it has bounced back!

It can be done!
I might add thy this was completely bare rooted.. But very minimal root pruning ... Maybe 20% taken off
It freaks every1. In 6B you've got some 2 months ahead and it will go dormant. Try not to overwater it in the winter and it should be fine. I always try to acquire new trees in the spring to repot them immediately, but yes I TRY...
Yeah I try too.
I did get a few nice little shrubs this spring.
"I will likely just leave it till spring."

I have taken American elm (White Elm or Water Elm) late in the fall after frost-kill in zone 3 and they do very well the next spring. If you are certain that it is an American Elm, I'd be less apt to worry about the wet soil than repotting in that heat; but I'm sure that trees are a lot like people... what they are acclimated to in your area may not effect them much, or at all. But, I think Walter Pall is right to always recommend repotting (or digging) most trees in the early spring before bud break.
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