Amethyst American variety of wisteria


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Allowing to grow and thicken in ground. My first thought was a quirky artsy fartsy literati almost looking tree. But...who knows...time may change that direction.

Last fall...image.jpg

But with foliage it really pulls the shape out...elongating it.
image.jpg image.jpg

I almost think...a slight slant or an informal upright could also be pulled off. It's way to soon to tell...and I'm just going to continue to allow it to thicken and develop where it is. And when it comes time to air layer...then possibly consider a direction. But it sure looks cute with the blooms on it. :)

The blooms on that variety are very nice :) Is that buried in a pot or?

Thanks...though not as wow-ing as the long racemes found on other wisteria...beautiful in the small punch of color they do offer up.

It's a advice from Bill V on this one. He has grown many out from such suckers...Taking his advice on how to handle sacrifice vines and such...and will air layer at a later point in time.
Cool, they remind me of grape hyacinth, tighter clump on the bloom. Finally collected ten of those bulbs for a shallow pot to throw in some color next spring. You might ask whoever is taking care of your plant to take some pictures of that Wisteria when you are away so you don't miss the blooms!

Cool, they remind me of grape hyacinth, tighter clump on the bloom. Finally collected ten of those bulbs for a shallow pot to throw in some color next spring. You might ask whoever is taking care of your plant to take some pictures of that Wisteria when you are away so you don't miss the blooms!

I know nothing of the hyacinth...but will have to google to see your comparison.

It blooms most of the summer...which is a plus to owning the American variety. Sure the first flush the fullest...but still a good amount of blooms through the season. But thanks for suggesting that. I don't wish to bother them with pictures...
Yeah, nice, but I just loooove battling my Chinese wisteria all summer--NOT!
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