American Sycamore #3

Don't see this species tried very often. Probably for good reason but I think it's cool to have one lost cause experiment. I have a tulip poplar that I've been wasting time on for a few years. Carry on and have fun.
Don't see this species tried very often. Probably for good reason but I think it's cool to have one lost cause experiment. I have a tulip poplar that I've been wasting time on for a few years. Carry on and have fun.
Tulip poplars are dope. I think a silhouette for them with good, unblemished trunk lines would be great. That’s what I’m going for with my sycamores
Tulip poplars are dope. I think a silhouette for them with good, unblemished trunk lines would be great. That’s what I’m going for with my sycamores
They have a tendency to just drop lower branches out of the blue. I'm still growing the trunk for now so I haven't worried about it but if I ever get to branch development it might be a problem.
They have a tendency to just drop lower branches out of the blue. I'm still growing the trunk for now so I haven't worried about it but if I ever get to branch development it might be a problem.
So my liquidambar have the same tendency. Can’t cut terminal buds during dormancy, but once they’re going strong, you have to manage the top growth or they drop lower branches. I wonder if poplars are the same
So my liquidambar have the same tendency. Can’t cut terminal buds during dormancy, but once they’re going strong, you have to manage the top growth or they drop lower branches. I wonder if poplars are the same
Could be. I figure it needs to be a 4' tree so I've still got a few more years of trunk thickening ahead of me.

Are you planning on a huge tree with this Sycamore?
Could be. I figure it needs to be a 4' tree so I've still got a few more years of trunk thickening ahead of me.

Are you planning on a huge tree with this Sycamore?
I have three that I’m experimenting with. I’m figuring each will be around 6 foot in height
Don't know if you have allergies, but Sycamore can produce crippling allergic reactions if pruned at the wrong time (have experienced it in person. Almost sent my sister in law to the emergency room)...

Large sycamores shouldn't be pruned after they've leafed out. They are covered with an irritant that can cause coughing, sneezing and overall allegic reactions. I learned it the hard way 35 feet up in a sycamore in my parent ranch in Texas. In late May pruning large limbs off of their house. Once disturbed, the limbs shook off something (probably pollen or something similar) that I breathed in. I immediately began a hacking cough and my throat closed up. Nose began running like a faucet. Down on the ground, my sister in law actually threw up and then passed out from the coughing and allergic reaction. Thought we were going to have to call 911, until she came around. Shower after that cleared it up. Don't know how large these tree have to get before this reaction manifests, but if you use an inhaler or other emergency breathing solution, be careful.

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Excited to see this progress. I just collected a Norway maple and its also a difficult subject for bonsai.
I collected a silver maple from my yard and they are tough but man are they bullet proof/ indestructible. I love sycamores this will be cool to watch
what happened to your sycamore?
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