American Elm

Mellow Mullet

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Mobile, Alabama-The Heart of Dixie
Starting a new thread (I really need those pots, @sorce ). Gave this one a trim a few days ago and wired a branch up to try to establish a new apex. I have a love - hate relationship with this one. The trunk has no taper or character but still I keep it around. It really threw out some growth this spring,









I like it! Is the base good?

This is my second season with my American Elm and I'm liking it a lot. It's getting some pretty small leaves already. Must get some more.
Hey John!!

How sure are you that this is U. americana? The bark and the leaf shape look off to me...more like hornbeam than elm...perhaps it just hasn't yet formed the rougher bark typical of American Elm?? Leaf shape does seem to vary some but the bark should be reasonably consistent.

Challenging tree!! I might consider hollowing it out to deal with some of the large scars???
I'm no expert, but I think I have an American, and it looks very similar.

What is the solid difference.....?

I think I may have a hornbeam too.

But I sure don't know.

I have two young American Elms and a young Beech in pots. They look the same and even bud similar. When they leaf out though the Elms have far larger foliage and with larger Elms I have had they need to be trimmed a lot. I suspect the bark is smoother because it is more normal to grow those in far cooler climates and it is just growing differently...

I was thinking the same thing Mike, I cant even tell. would be real badass if it is a hornbeam, its a cool elm though too.
what did this thing look like last fall? hornbeam leaves tend to stay on the tree, got any closeup of the buds before they popped? they do look narrow like a hornbeam rather than kinda spady like an elm.
what did this thing look like last fall? hornbeam leaves tend to stay on the tree, got any closeup of the buds before they popped? they do look narrow like a hornbeam rather than kinda spady like an elm.
only hop-hornbeam stay on the tree thru beech but the color of the leaf is slightly darker...
Carpinus caroliniana - American Hornbeam drop their leaves like other deciduous trees...
only hop-hornbeam stay on the tree thru beech but the color of the leaf is slightly darker...
Carpinus caroliniana - American Hornbeam drop their leaves like other deciduous trees...

it may say that on that link, but I walk through the woods everyday around hundered of hornbeams. beech for sure keep their leaves, but, many hornbeams do as well, depends on their positioning in the woods, at least that's my theory.
Love a mystery. Sort of like how @MACH5 thought he had a Austrian pine and it turned out to be a mighty fine Scots :D
No Good....

I always confuse Hornybeam and Beech...

Now you'se have made it worse....

I thought beech was a harder leaf?

What the Curn Furk?

I'm no expert, but I think I have an American, and it looks very similar.

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View attachment 104804
In my experience...Carolina Hornbeams grow with those white/grayish type patches on the trunks. My American Elms at that trunk diameter have a very rough bark. I attached 3 photos: All are American Elm trees....New growth limb, Lower trunk rough bark, and a Not-to-old-yet trunk just beginning to form the rough bark.

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I always confuse Hornybeam and Beech..
Hornbeam has a smaller leaf and finer twigging. The dead giveaway on most hornbeam is the flutist or muscling of the lower trunk. Also the American hornbeam likes it a little wetter than beech. And like JohnG said (I think he has me on ignore:p) beech still have their dead leaves on in spring.
Hornbeam has a smaller leaf and finer twigging. The dead giveaway on most hornbeam is the flutist or muscling of the lower trunk. Also the American hornbeam likes it a little wetter than beech. And like JohnG said (I think he has me on ignore:p) beech still have their dead leaves on in spring.


But which one is like elm?

I know I Don't have beech.

If JohnG don't have me on Iggy,
I doubt he got you on Iggy!

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