Acer saccharinum
Or known in these parts as Water Maple due to the roots growing into water pipes and septic systems. But officially it is Silver Maple.
Here is a little info:
The Silver Maple has brittle wood, and is commonly damaged in storms. The roots are shallow and fibrous and easily invade septic fields and old drain pipes. It is a vigorous resprouter, and if not pruned, it will often grow with multiple trunks. It is, nonetheless, widely used as an ornamental tree because of its rapid growth and ease of propagation and transplanting. It is highly tolerant of urban conditions, which is why it is frequently planted next to streets. Although it naturally is found near water, it can grow on drier ground if planted there.
It is also commonly cultivated outside its native range, showing tolerance of a wide range of climates, growing successfully as far north as central Norway and south to Orlando, Florida. It can thrive in a Mediterranean climate, as at Jerusalem and Los Angeles, if summer water is provided. It is also grown in temperate parts of the Southern Hemisphere, as in Argentina and Uruguay.
Silver Maple is closely related to Red Maple, and can hybridise with it, the hybrid being known as the Freeman Maple (Acer x freemanii). The Freeman Maple is a popular ornamental tree in parks and large gardens, combining the fast growth of Silver Maple with the less brittle wood and less invasive roots of Red Maple.