Air Layering Pinus edulis


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New Mexico elev. 7660'
Since @PiñonJ asked for it:eek:!

As posted earlier in 'Air layering a short needled pine in Southern Louisiana,' this is my second attempt to layer a branch of mature wood from a native pinon. In addition to the documented difficulty of layering pines in general, this particular tree is challenging in that I am obsessed with the weakest branch of the lot. What draws me to this particular branch is, as a result of growing in shaded conditions, it has developed particularly elegant spindly branching that drapes downward in an effort to better its access to sunlight. As stated earlier, I have made no special potions in the sphagnum pouch, just a basic peel and scrape girdle, and have only enhanced the parent tree by increased water and feeding. It appears however, that I may have sealed my baby's doom by that effort, in that tip growth on the layer, after an initial burst, appears to be weakening. In contrast, the growth of the parent is going gangbusters. I may have convinced the tree to drop the branch I have selected (No soup for you!) So, this may be the beginning of a very short thread! 20170623_201549_resized.jpg 20170623_201700_001_resized.jpg 20170623_201405_resized.jpg 20170623_201754_resized.jpg
Good luck man! love to see people using native pines. America has so freakin' many, a few for each climate. Have you considered wrapping a copper wire around the branch tightly in spring and packing moss around it. My crusty old 1970 something bonsai book says that's the way to go for airlayering pines.
Yeah, that was my first attempt at this branch, about 5 years ago. Evidently I didn't supply sufficient strangulation. It didn't kill it, so I thought I'd take another run at it. It'll either take or die this time!
Good luck! That big branch below your air layer will hopefully keep the roots happy beyond the 90 day window in which the roots would normally support the air layer.
Why does the road to success always have to be paved by so many failures doggone it! Is it possible for you to selectively prune or tie some shading branches out of the way so more light gets to that branch?
Is it possible for you to selectively prune or tie some shading branches out of the way so more light gets to that branch?

Have considered it, but the growth pattern of ekeing along as it is is what has given it the character it has. Have also entertained (mostly at night, when dark thoughts are free to roam in my head) of making it the only branch on the tree, but believe that would be too much stress, and the parent would certainly shut it down. @PiñonJ likes the stronger branch between the layer and base of the parent. More will be revealed.
Happy Fourth of July- hope no one sets the woods on fire! Just an update showing vigor of apex of parent tree in full sunlight, and declining vigor of layering branch buds in reduced light. Hope everyone is enjoying good growing...20170704_091119-1_resized.jpg 20170704_091156-1_resized.jpg 20170704_091230_001_resized.jpg
Post-mortem and necropsis- Following the crisping and demise of the last needle, layering was detached from parent tree and inspection revealed no evidence of rooting, not a single nub. Following a short period of reflection, the exquisite corpse was unceremoniously tossed on the brush pile. Photos were not allowed out of respect for the dead. Onward!
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