Air layer same year as root pruning


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Canton Ohio
I have a small deshojo that I got last year from Mr maple. Obviously it has a graft that is not very attractive. I did root prune few weeks back and leaves are starting to come out and so far looks healthy. I am wondering if I can/should try to air layer above graft this year or just let it grow out this year and wait until next year for air layer?
That’s what I assumed as well but wanted to check. Thanks
Is it best to let everything just grow as much as possible (no pruning) this year in preparation for air layer next year?
Is it best to let everything just grow as much as possible (no pruning) this year in preparation for air layer next year?
The stronger the tree is when attempting an air layer, the higher the chance of success. It sounds like the tree is young, so letting it gro this year and next makes sense… but maybe wire the trunk now if you haven’t already.
Unfortunately the tree while not large is too thick to wire and produce movement
I would let it grow all year and air layer after the leaves have hardened off next year. Once there are roots and you separate the air layer I would prune it back hard.
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