Air layer or keep graft?


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So I bought this JBP Shioguro, Japanese import, and it's grafted. However, the graft seems to be quite nice and I'm wondering if the graft is considered acceptable for bonsai. I know air layering can be quite challenging with JBP, so I prefer keeping it as is. I'd really appreciate any input!


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Some bonsai people will avoid grafts at all costs while others are happy enough to use grafted trees provided the graft is not obvious. I'm with the latter group. If you can't easily see the graft there's no problem with having a grafted tree.
Some of the problems with grafts include change of bark type or colour on the trunk. Stock or scion swelling way more than the other part and just plain ugly graft union.
The graft you've show is quite neat. It still hasn't grown over the stub of stock yet but if that's trimmed back it should completely heal over in another year or 2. Looks like the bark is very similar on both parts so as the trunk grows the graft line should become less and less obvious. There's a small chance the stock could grow faster than the scion and bulge out but that's actually not so common. Your tree is still very young so the graft union is still quite visible which will worry some people. As the tree ages and thickens the graft will usually slowly disappear. The vast majority of grafts just disappear as the trunks grow. It is the few that become more obvious that give grafts a bad rap.

I would certainly develop this tree as it is and see what happens. At this stage the risk of layering is higher than the risk of growing a grafted bonsai IMHO.
If worst happens you can layer then but chances are it will all go well.
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