Advice...Red Japanese Maple

Didn't answer your question...over on 99 cent auctions on FB.
Thanks, I am still finding those FB auctions. So far I only am on one that has $100 or so limit to prevent the mallisai salemen from showing up.
I know this seller very well. In fact I have some small trees from him. Darlene, I have posted many threads at this place. I don't post them for accolades, I post them with the hope that people will try this stuff for themselves and "build" trees instead of paying super inflated prices for something that will still take lots of work. You could grow 30 maples in a flat easy and even after trasplanting into individual containers will still only take about one sq yard of space. Buy a pack of seeds for several different maples and grow them under screen like I showed.

You can have a tree like the one you bid on in 4/5 years easy. After the first year, plant some thru clay pot saucers and grow some clumps. The graft fast and look amazing in two years .

Here are some of the single trees that I forgot about and some of the clumps. They all need lots of work and I really don't have the time.

Remember what I should have said....JUST DO IT


@Smoke ... I do appreciate your advice. It's...just I was thinking I have a lot of projects going on currently. Not for some...but for me. It's why the one Goji Berry is being pulled from extending its already exposed roots to be more. Having the forsythia ...I just don't feel the need now to have the goji having the longer roots. I liked the original structure when I bought it. Keeping it a mame I think...or small Shohin. I honestly don't know if I want to take on that task. You have a longer growing you might see results better than one here. Unsure...but, re-evaluating...I decided I've taken on enough projects. Wanting to thin the herd of those even. Unless it's taking one to the next level. I've never grown anything from seed actually. It seems so daunting. But appreciate and admire what you and others have done.
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