I recently picked up a Procumbens juniper from a bonsai nursery. I enjoy the movement of the trunk and that it already has some established branching.
I'm still newish to Bonsai. The tree isn't very tall ... and when I look at photos of procumbent junipers for inspiration, I try to imagine how I would style this tree. But I'm not "seeing it" yet.
Can someone point me in the right direction? It seems like if I started wiring these branches down, the tree would be super short ... so I'm not sure where to start.
Don't mind the chopstick. I use it to know when to water
I'm still newish to Bonsai. The tree isn't very tall ... and when I look at photos of procumbent junipers for inspiration, I try to imagine how I would style this tree. But I'm not "seeing it" yet.
Can someone point me in the right direction? It seems like if I started wiring these branches down, the tree would be super short ... so I'm not sure where to start.
Don't mind the chopstick. I use it to know when to water
