Advice/Opinion @ bareroot potting up

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Hey guys.

I am waiting on a package of bareroot trees, probably arriving within the week. I am wondering do I pot them up in grow bags, or sink them into my 'holding area', or a bit of both? They are flowering deciduous trees I ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation, a few months back. They are in their dormancy, which is how, why, I am just now getting them. Just thinking out loud. TIA
I would definitely look into some treepots from greenhouse megastore the long ones are really handy if you don't want to mix up a lot of soil or plant in ground. Sometimes bare root trees come with very long roots, so the 14" are good for that. I don't prune roots because they are already pruned.
Dormant trees will stay dormant for the rest of winter so they won't really care what you do provided you don't let them get too dry. Down here I just dig a hole and bury the roots for winter while I get ready to pot them up properly. In Spring dig them up, prune roots appropriately and plant properly, either in the ground or in pots.
Provided your 'holding area' does not get too cold for the species that would be suitable temporary winter accommodation. Pots/grow bags would also be suitable provided they don't dry out.
I also ordered trees from the Arbor Day Foundation. I think there is a variety of trees, I don't remember them all. I was wondering as well what to do with them when they arrived. Thanks for asking!
I ordered those a few years ago. I potted them without cutting roots and let them grow for a full year before doing any real root pruning. Almost all of them survived the winter. Watch out for the crepe Myrtle’s, mine ended up being Siberian elms 🤣
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