I repotted this guy a couple of months ago. It sat indoors in indirect sunlight until last week. I wired it lightly and put it outside in full sun. After one day in the sun new growth was already popping out. After the 2nd full day in the sun it started looking very weak so I moved it under a larger tree in my yard and gave it almost total shade for a couple of days. The dark green foliage turned very dull and light and started to droop dramatically. A couple of days ago I pulled this guy back inside for indirect light hoping the much milder climate would be better for recovery. The major limbs of the tree are showing signs of shriveling. Will this guy recover by just relocating him indoors or is there something else that needs to be done? Did it get too hot outdoors? Living in southern oregon with near 100 degree weather virtually every day for weeks. The parent tree this came off of (separated at the repot) has also been outdoors and is doing very well. Any advice you have would be appreciated.