Ah man believe me..one hasn't seen an Acacia if you haven't been in the aura of an African Acacia. They are majestic trees....and the thorns are what makes them an Acacia. From the up to 9" spike of the karoo, the triple little hook thorns of the 'drie doring' (three thorn), to the multipled thorns of the famous tortillis that spans the savanna with it's flat crowns. They have spine and hook shaped thorns combined...fascinating. When they hook you...you stay hooked
There ain't an Acacia in Africa that don't have it's characteristical thorn. Acacias with hooked thorns generally has longish cylindrical shaped flowers, while spiked thorn ones has ball shaped flowers.
I love all trees, but nothing compares to an African Acacia.
I have 4 big Aussie Acacias in my back yard (beautiful trees) and every time I look at them I wonder why they are called Acacia (although their wood is almost as hard as the African ones).
The very word Acacia means "Thorny"...but the bureaucrats decided to call all African Acacias, NON Acacia....Crazy
Sorry...it's been a few years since my last rant...guess
@Starfox opened up the wound.